Shuttlecraft Epsilon 6

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Jay P. Hailey

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This one isn't a full adventure either, it's more of a hook. Again, perhaps an excuse to delve into character's back stories

The PCs having reached the end of their Voyages with the USS Asimov now transfer to the Nova class scout, USS Aelenoth, (named for an Andorian Scientist who discovered Quantum theory in about 1875)

The Captain of the Aelenoth is T'Zell, a Vulcan woman. A commander by rank, She began her starfleet Career as a Science Officer before switching to Line Officer.

The XO of the Aelenoth is Drana Kelopkos, A Centaurian woman. Lt Commander Kelopkos is a more military type of Starfleet officer. She runs the ship, the Skipper runs the science

The Mission of the USS Aelenoth is to investigate a dark nebula. T'Zell will point out in exaustive detail that the Nebula is more properly a dim nebula, since it gives out more radiation than it recieves.

The nebula has some subspace radiation oddities that make it of scientific curiousity.

Premise - the Orion Pirates love hidden bases. Hard to strike by surprise is every can see right when your garge door opens. Having a hidden base also protects from Starfleet's humorless irrtiability on the subject of killing and stealing.

The Dim Nebula is actually the home of such a base. When the USS Aelenoth starts scanning it, an Orion Raider leaps out of the nebula and viciously attacks

Main conflict
To escape the Orion Raider

Side conflicts?
To determine what the Orion Raider is protecting - but that's above-and-beyond the call of duty


T'Zell, Commander, Starfleet, CO USS Aelenoth

Kelopkos, Drana, Lt. Commander, Starfleet, XO USS Aelenoth

Dim nebula NGC (number, number, number)

The Pirate base hiding in the nebula. As soon as it becomes plain that the USS Aelenoth is scanning the nebula, the Orions commanding the base decide that the Jig is up. The Orion Raider is sent to destroy the Federation scout and delay pursuit while everyone in the base runs like bunnies.

The Orion Raider outguns the Aelenoth - in a stand up fight the little starfleet ship is toasty. She can either flee, and try to outrun the Orion (They don't have to be faster, just get to back up before the Orion catches them.) or dive into the Nebula, hiding from the Raider (The raider will leave after the Orion Boss-man gives the all-clear.)

The nebula itself is a great big, mostly dark cloud in space, charged with energy and radiation. The cloud defeats sensors, screws up navigation, and generally plays havok - Ala the Mutara nebula as seen in TWOK.

The Irony - the Subspace anomalies that drew the Aelenoth are completely natural - the Orions shielded themselves perfectly but didn't care enough about the science to realize that the Nebula is scientifically odd


Disclaimer: Paramount owns all things Trek. I claim original characters and situations in this material for me.

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Jay P. Hailey

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