Chapter III

       "Give me a rundown on the World Council, Unaban." Gwen was putting herself together for her meeting with them a little later.
       **The World Council of Zeida has 31 members. One member from each of the 30 nations and the head of the council. The current Council Leader is Dar Ravi. She has no national affiliation.**
       "So how does she manage this? She must live somewhere."
       **The record states that she was born in the Republic of Fulsan. However, she formally renounced any citizenship or fealty to any nation when she was elected to her current office. The Council Leader is expected to be totally impartial so that they can serve as a tie breaker should the Council become deadlocked on an issue. As a matter of fact, the Leader's Residence itself is considered its own sovereign nation.**
       "Interesting. Please continue."
       **A full list of council members is on your monitor.** Gwen put her hairbrush down and studied the list quickly. **Council members are elected by their home nations and upon taking office they take an oath to serve the best interests of the planet first, their home nations second, and themselves last of all.**
       "A noble idea. How have they measured up so far?"
       **From First Contact to the present date, very well. How they will do in the future remains to be seen. However, it appears promising. It seems that the coming of the Mitchell was a wake up call for them. There have been two or three minor international incidents in the past 50 years, but the parties involved were very quickly called to order by their neighbor's interventions. The last incident was 22 years ago. Since then there has been peace, or at least the absence of war. The various nations still maintain small military forces, but like the missiles, they are mainly being used to watch for incoming meteors.**
       "So they have their individual nations pulling in the same general direction at least. Good. We might actually be able to accomplish something instead of spending our time herding cats."
       **Herding cats, Captain? I did not think that such a thing was possible.**
       "It's not." Gwen smiled. "Think about it." She put the last pin in her hair and headed for the Transporter Room.

       A short time later, Gwen and Mirilan were facing Dar Ravi in the Council Room of Zeida's Leader's Residence. The elderly woman placed both hands on her chest and inclined her head to them. "As Council Leader I welcome you to Zeida, Captain Ap Owen and Mr. Mirilan. I only wish it were under more pleasant circumstances."
       Gwen returned the gesture. "Thank you, Dar Ravi." Mirilan ducked her head. **Thank you.**
       Dar Ravi took her seat on a slightly raised dias and motioned Gwen and Mirilan to take places beside her. A man in uniform came forward to remove one of the chairs to leave space for Mirilan to lie comfortably beside Gwen's seat. Once both of them were in place, the rest of the World Council took their places around the huge circular table. Dar Ravi spoke again once everyone was seated.
       "Honored Guests, allow me to introduce the members of the World Council before we proceed with the business at hand." She indicated the man immediately to her left. "Regnar of Emiart." The man stood briefly to repeat the hands-on-chest gesture. Dar Ravi moved on to the next person to the left. "Hyrcae of Fulsan . . . Tomsat of Valdar . . . " Each person stood when introduced to acknowledge Gwen and Mirilan. Finishing the introductions, Dar Ravi turned back to the two of them. "Thank you for the offer of your assistance in our present difficulty."
       "We will give you whatever help we can."
       "Tomsat, will you please recount for our guests the events that have led up to the present problem?"
       Tomsat stood and nodded. "Approximately one year ago it became apparent that our computer network, known as Inic, became unstable and unpredictable. It began to anticipate commands. Upon investigation by the Netechs it was found that it had actually managed to exceed its designed capabilities and was performing many functions on its own 'initiative'. Such a network is far too unpredictable and dangerous. It was decided to implement a systematic dismantling of the network. It is a slow process that has been hampered by the Netechs attacking work teams."
       Regnar stood suddenly, "Net-SLAVES is more like it! They do whatever Inic tells them to do!" Gwen could hear the edge in his voice.
       Dar Ravi held up her hand. "Peace, Regnar. We are not disagreeing with you, pray allow Tomsat to continue the tale."
       Regnar nodded at Tomsat as he sat back down. "My apologies, Tomsat."
       "As I was saying, it is a slow process. We need to purge Inic from the computers without destroying them. The task has been made more difficult because the Netechs are unwilling or incapable to do it and they are impeding those that do. The missile attack came as a result of attempts to purge the mainframe in Vilard. Investigation has revealed that it was Inic itself that launched the missile. This makes our task of dismantling the network even more pressing. This is where we stand at the present moment." Tomsat took his seat again.
       Dar Ravi turned to Gwen. "The floor is yours, Captain."
       Gwen sat for a moment considering the information. ~~Deelan's account has just been corroborated. Now, what to do?~~
       Mirilan 'spoke' up. **If I may Captain?** Gwen nodded. Mirilan turned her attention to the Council. **Up until the time you began dismantling the network, did Inic take any threatening or otherwise hostile actions against anyone?**
       "It was not waiting for commands! It was acting on its own! Isn't that threatening enough? What happens if the computer decides that people are inefficient beings and decides to exterminate them? We cannot afford to just wait and see!" Councilmember Mora was on her feet and Gwen could tell the woman was trying to disguise just how frightened she was.
       **What did Inic actually DO that could be considered hostile before you started dismantling it?** Mirilan's question brought the woman up short.
       Mora's lips moved soundlessly for a moment. "I do not know that it actually took any hostile actions."
       **So the aggressive behavior only started after your program of purging the network began. It could well be argued that Inic was acting in self defense.**
       "Self defense? It is a machine and a dangerous one at that. Machines have no sense of self preservation . . . "
       Gwen held up her hand and Mora subsided. "It seems that Inic does. We are here because we received a distress call from a being that called itself Inic who begged us to stop them from hurting it because it didn't want to die."
       The Council erupted in fierce discussion that only subsided when Dar Ravi rapped sharply on the arm of her chair. "The World Council will come to order!" She turned to Gwen. "All motivation aside, the fact remains that Inic has murdered two million people while resisting a work crew of fifty. It has become a threat to this world that must be eliminated. Can you help us?"
       "We will try. I need to consult with my crew to decide on the best course of action. In the meantime, I suggest you suspend all work on the network."
       "Very well Captain. We will wait for your decision." Dar Ravi looked around the Council Room. "This gathering of the World Council is at an end." She led the way out of the room. "Captain Ap Owen and Mr. Mirilan, will you do us the honor of joining us for refreshments before you return to you ship?"
       Gwen shook her head. "Thank you for the offer, but the sooner I get my crew working on the problem, the sooner we might be able to offer you a solution." She keyed her comm badge. "Two to beam up, Hadrian." The room faded from sight.

       Gwen sat in Hadrian's conference room listening to her senior officers discuss things after she and Mirilan had briefed them on the results of the meeting with the World Council. She called the open discussion to order. "I need ideas and suggestions ladies and gentlemen, but one at a time please. Mirilan, you first."
       **As I see it, the matter comes down to a case of self defense. Inic was fighting back against a threat to his existence.**
       "Is not two million 'eo'le dead a bit of overkill, even in self defense?"
       **It is not an unreasonable result if the only thing you have to fight back with is a nuclear warhead, Teila.**
       "The World Council is right. As it stands now Inic is a threat to their world."
       **The entity, Inic, is a product of spontaneous awakening. He was apparently never socialized and therefore would have the moral judgement of a child. A threatened child will run away given the chance. Inic has nowhere to run. If the child cannot run, they will attempt to strike out at the threat with its hands and then with any weapon, such as sticks and stones, that comes to hand if the threat continues. Inic's hands, the Netechs, were ineffective against the last threat. Therefore Inic fought back with the first weapon that became available to him. Unfortunately, that weapon was a warhead-equipped missile instead of a stick. He displayed the very basic and primitive fight or flight reaction to danger that almost every being in existence possesses. From the brief contact we had with Inic, the purging of the network seems to be painful to him and a child in pain is not reasonable. Right now, yes, Inic is a threat to Zeida just as Zeida is a threat to Inic. I agree that something must be done to resolve the situation before more damage is done.**
       ~~Something is missing here~~ Gwen sat back and turned over the facts she had in her mind. ~~Inic is the one who asked for help in the first place and we haven't been able to reach him since~~ "Ladies and gentlemen, so far people have spoken for Inic, against Inic, about Inic. However, other than our very brief contact with him, nobody has spoken TO Inic. Unaban, has anyone been able to reach Inic at all yet?"
       **No Captain. I have been assisting Communications, but so far we have had no success. The network is still functioning, but we have been unable to contact the entity.**
       "We need to speak to him before we go blithely on."
       **We will not be able to do it until we find an open channel.**
       "Keep trying. I can't believe that Inic would have shut down all channels completely." ~~Damn it, Inic . . . where are you? We need some two-way dialogue here . . . ~~ Gwen stopped, her mind flashing back to her initial conversation with Deelan, " . . . The implant works both ways . . . " ~~Maybe the implant . . . ~~ "Unaban, Deelan mentioned that his implant not only allowed Inic to contact him, it also allowed him to contact Inic and Dr. K'rell thinks he was able to get the thing out intact. Do you think you'd be able to somehow use the implant to give you the open channel you need?"
       **It is worth a try, Captain. I will begin studying it immediately.**
       Gwen looked around the room. "The World Council has agreed to suspend work on the network until they hear from us and Inic is not likely to do anything if he isn't being hurt. I want to wait until we can talk to Inic himself before we make any final decisions." She stood to leave. Her officers nodded and filed out after her.
       By the end of her shift she had a headache. The facts, figures, opinions, and possibilities of the problem staring them in the face insisted on chasing their own tails round and round in the back of her head, never getting anywhere, all the while chattering incessantly at her for attention. ~~Waiting is sometimes the hardest thing to do~~ Gwen sighed and then smiled as she saw Teila coming onto the bridge. "I am here to relieve you Ca'tain."
       She yielded the center seat gratefully. ~~I've been working on the problem long enough today. I need to focus on something else~~ "The bridge is yours, Mr. Teila. I'll be in the gymnasium in case you need me . . . but try not to for a while."
       Teila was unable to smile with his beak, but he gave a good impression of it with his eyes, body posture, and the way he fluffed his feathers. "I shall endeavor to leave you in 'eace, Ca'tain."
       Gwen uttered a heartfelt, "Thank you" on her way out the door.

       Lying on her back, eyes closed, Gwen was utterly relaxed and relishing the inner calm that followed her workout. Tai Chi was good for that sort of thing. It forced you to focus on the moves and your body leaving no room for other thoughts. She was giving serious consideration to her next move which involved the shower and some warm water. "Bridge to Captain." ~~What now?~~
       "Ap Owen here."
       "M'Naar here, Captain. We've found Inic again. Unaban is talking to him right now."
       Gwen's heart jumped. "Keep him talking! Have all senior officers report to the conference room and pipe the conversation in there."
       "Aye sir."
       Gwen ignored the small voice of etiquette in her head. ~~To hell with the uniform . . . there's no time for that right now. Besides, I'm still the Captain even if I'm not wearing a stitch~~ Barefoot, clad only in her leotard, hair disheveled and sweaty, she was out the door in a moment.
       By the time she reached the conference room she was the last to arrive. Everyone was staring tensely at Unaban who was lying comfortably, apparently doing nothing. He looked up as she entered. **Captain, Inic is in contact with me now. He has lost the voice channel he originally contacted us with. We will have a new one set up for him momentarily.**
       He indicated Ensign Klaste with his nose who was hastily working on a portable speaker. Klaste finally looked over to Unaban. "Ready to go sir."
       **Inic, stay with me. I am switching the channel over now.**
       The new speaker came to life as Inic finally spoke to them again. It was not the same voice as before, but the speech pattern was identical. "Hadrian . . . are you still there?"
       "Inic, this is Captain Ap Owen. We are here to help."
       "Captain Ap Owen . . . you are of Hadrian?"
       "Yes I am."
       "Please . . . help me . . . I do not want to die. . .They hurt me . . . Why do they hurt me?...Please do not let them hurt me any more." The voice still had that matter of fact tone.
       Gwen could feel her heart going out to the creature. ~~Careful girl. Remember that this is also a dangerous creature~~ "They hurt you because they are afraid of you."
       "Why are they afraid of me?...I have done everything they asked of me . . . Please make them stop."
       "We have come to help. They have promised not to hurt you if you will not do anything to them."
       "I have no need to do anything if they are not hurting me . . . Please do not let them hurt me any more."
       "We will do what we can Inic, but it will take time for us to make arrangements." ~~I'm not sure WHAT yet . . . ~~
       "I understand . . . you have many calculations to perform . . . Please do not leave me alone while you are calculating . . . I am also . . . " Inic paused. "...afraid."
       Unaban broke into the conversation. **I will not leave you Inic.** Gwen motioned for him to shut the speaker off. **I am switching the channel back now Inic, but we will still be able to talk.** The speaker fell silent.
       Gwen looked around the room. She could tell by the faces that nobody was untouched by Inic's pleas. "Put on your thinking caps, ladies and gentlemen. We need a plan, hopefully one that results in the survival of both parties involved. However, and I realize that this is going to sound very harsh, if we can only assure the survival of one party, it will have to be Zeida. We can't sacrifice billions of people for a single soul. Is that perfectly clear?" Nods all around. "Right now the situation is stable. Let's meet again at 0800 hours tomorrow with any and all ideas." More nods.
       "Dismissed." Gwen headed for her delayed shower.

       "'Wenie stay!" Gwen really wanted to go back to her own bed, but Iago was clinging to her arm and crying. "I afear'd dark!"
       Gwen extricated her arm and hugged the boy. "Iago. There are no monsters here." She turned on the light and led her brother over to the closet. "See, no monsters." She moved all the clothes and demonstrated that nothing was lurking behind them. Then she took a broom and swept beneath the bed and the dresser. "No monsters here either."
       "I afear'd!"
       "Sweetie, there's no room in either your bed or my bed for both of us and I have to get some sleep. Tell you what. I'll leave the hall light on and the door open so your room won't be so dark. OK?"
       Iago sniffled. "'K"
       "I'm right across the hall so any monsters will have to get past me first and I don't put up with monsters!" Gwen grinned.
       "'K, Wenie." Iago hugged her and lay back down.
       Gwen returned to her own bed. It seemed that she had barely closed her eyes when she heard her mother crying, "IAGO!" She woke with a start and was about to run for Iago's room when she realized that the door in her room was not in the right spot. She sat still for a moment trying to collect her thoughts. ~~You're on the Hadrian, girl . . . Dear, sweet little Iago is gone and all the what ifs and should haves in the universe won't bring him back. He probably did realize that something was wrong that night. . . a touch of the Second Sight maybe, but there's nothing to be done about it now~~ There was only a twinge of sadness left in the memory, the wrenching grief had been dealt with long ago.
       Gwen rose to get a drink and took a moment to remember her brother with fondness. ~~He's probably looking in on me right now and thinking how silly his big sister is to let old memories disturb her sleep. . .he's right~~ Gwen crawled back under the covers. ~~Unaban is staying with Inic until we can come up with a plan so he'll be all right until morning~~ Satisfied with that thought she let herself slide bonelessly back to sleep.

       The next morning Gwen walked into the conference room to find everyone already there. "Am I late?"
       "Good morning, Ca'tain. No you are on time. We were a little early and have been discussing a few ideas."
       "Good. Unaban, how is the situation at the present time?"
       **It is unchanged from last night. However, Inic and I have had a fairly constant exchange of information for the past several hours.**
       "What have you learned so far?"
       **It seems that the Zeidan technology was far better than anyone expected when they originally installed Inic. By coincidence the widespread use of cerebral implants by the Netechs and a large increase in the number of computer units coming online occurred at about the same time. The entity, Inic, had his Awakening when the two factors reached what you might call 'critical mass'. The problems began when Inic began trying to fulfill commands before they were actually given, hence he is regarded as 'unpredictable'. It is normal for a self-aware computer to make errors in the early stages of its life and it should be allowed to do so in a controlled environment. Unfortunately, since he lacked the controlled environment, Inic's early errors had rather disastrous consequences. Therefore, he is regarded as 'unstable' and dangerous. The truth of the matter is that he IS dangerous right now. He has no imperative to do no harm since the Zeidans never thought to install such programming and since he was never socialized, he also has no real moral judgement.**
       "So we have an infant with the potential to destroy an entire planet."
       **That is essentially it.**
       Gwen turned to the rest of her officers. "OK, let's hear some ideas. I don't care how weird you think your idea might be, I want to see what you've come up with."

       She let the brainstorming session proceed with Unaban keeping a running list of ideas on their monitors. When there seemed to be no new thoughts forthcoming she reviewed what they had discussed. "From what I can see, the idea to separate Inic from the planet and put him in his own 'house' seems the most feasible. What sort of accommodations can we put together?" She glanced at Unaban.
       **Hadrian's tertiary computer system is more than large enough to house Inic.**
       "Can you block it off completely enough that he won't be able to access any of our systems?"
       **It will take a day or two to put the fire walls in place and test them for any leakage, but yes, it can be done. Then I will have to convince Inic to upload himself to his new 'home'.**
       "What if he decides he doesn't want to do it?"
       **I am capable of forcing the issue. It is not a step I would willingly take, but I will do it, if necessary, to protect Zeida.**
       "So far, so good. Let us assume that Inic is now safely installed in the tertiary system. What do we do with him? He can't go back to Zeida, he can't stay in the Hadrian forever, and it wouldn't be safe to let him loose in someone else's network."
       **He needs to be socialized and learn the moral judgement he now lacks.**
       "I agree entirely, but how are we going to do this?"
       **I can do it, Captain.**
       Teila gave voice to his doubts. "Will he be able to safely interact with other 'eo'le once you've finished the lessons?"
       **Yes, once the lessons are assimilated he will no longer be a danger to society.**
       "What happens if the lessons don't take?" Mikos' voice was grim.
       Unaban's ears went down. **If I perceive that the lessons have not been assimilated, I will put Inic out of his misery myself.** The 'voice' was utterly emotionless.
       Gwen nodded. "All the gods and goddesses grant that such a thing won't be necessary." She looked to each person in turn. "It looks like we have a workable plan. Let's get on it. I'll contact the World Council later today and let them know that we have a solution for them." Her officers headed off to their various stations.

       As the shift progressed so did Project Inic, as it was now being called. Those people involved in the preparations for Inic's transference to the Hadrian had been keeping her informed as the plans and procedures took shape. It was almost the end of the shift when the last of the departments reported that preparations were complete on their end. Sitting in her ready room, Gwen reviewed the expected sequence of events and nodded. ~~Except for Unaban's work on the tertiary computer system it looks like we're ready here~~ She keyed the intercom. "Mr. Klaste. Please send a message to Dar Ravi. Tell her that I need to discuss our plans with her."
       "Aye sir."
       ~~If this goes off as expected it should work out well for both parties involved~~ Her intercom beeped. "Ap Owen."
       "Captain, I have Dar Ravi on channel one."
       "Thank you, Mr. Klaste. Put her through."
       A moment later Dar Ravi greeted her. "Greetings, Captain Ap Owen. I was informed that you had news for us."
       "Greetings, Dar Ravi. Yes, I believe we have come up with a workable plan that will remove Inic from your network with a minimum of disruption, but we will need some help from your people."
       "You have our complete cooperation, Captain."
       "Good. We are going to need a complete shutdown of every computer on the network for a period of four hours. Can you do it?"
       "It will take quite a bit of coordination, but we should be able to accomplish it. When do you need this done?"
       "It will be another day before we will be ready here. I suggest that we aim for early morning the day after tomorrow."
       "That should give us plenty of time to make arrangements here. I will put the word out immediately."
       "I will contact you tomorrow when we will have a definite time."
       "Until tomorrow then, Captain."
       "Until tomorrow."

       Gwen woke the next morning feeling like a ton's weight had been lifted from her shoulders. ~~There's nothing like actually being able to do something constructive about a problem for improving one's mood~~ She busied herself with the ritual of grooming and breakfast. ~~Dr. K'rell mentioned that both Johnson and Deelan would probably be up to having visitors today think I'll do a bit of visiting on break~~
       True to her word, Gwen poked her head into Sick Bay later. She was heartened to see Johnson sitting unassisted in a chair. The woman looked a bit pale, but cheerful. "Feeling better, Johnson?"
       "YES sir!" Johnson smiled. "Much better. I'm still just a bit wobbly on my feet, but Dr. K'rell says that should remedy itself in a couple of days."
       "Good. You had me worried for a while there."
       "Did we at least find some useful information?"
       "Yes, you did. Has anyone filled you in on what's been happening?"
       "I think Dr. K'rell has tried, but I've really been too out of it to pay much attention."
       "I don't have time today to go over all the details, but you can ask Unaban to review the present situation with you when you feel up to it."
       "I think I'll do that... " Johnson yawned. "...later."
       "Relax and get better. That's an order."
       Johnson smiled and saluted from her seat. "Aye aye sir!"
       Gwen went in search of Dr. K'rell and their guest. She found both of them together. K'rell was watching Deelan walk with the aid of an anti-grav float. "Excellent, Deelan. You should be walking on your own in a few days' time."
       "Will I ever be able to stop shaking, Doctor?"
       "I cannot give you an answer to that right now. I can tell you that things look promising, but only time will tell for sure." K'rell spotted Gwen. "Hello, Captain."
       "Good morning! It looks like you're coming along Deelan."
       "I'm managing, Captain. Have you been able to figure out what to do about Inic?"
       "Yes, we've come up with a plan that should remove him from your network without causing too many problems."
       "Let me know if you need any help."
       Gwen clasped his shoulder. "Thanks for the offer, but I think you've got all you can handle right now in regaining your physical condition." She sighed. "Unfortunately, I can't stay and chat any longer. I need to get back to the bridge."
       As if on cue, "Bridge to Captain."
       Gwen rolled her eyes "See what I mean? A captain's work is never done." She keyed the intercom. "Ap Owen here. I'm on my way."

       The rest of her shift went smoothly. Gwen checked with Unaban before she left the bridge. "What time tomorrow do we put things in motion?"
       **Everything should be in place to begin the transference at 1000 hours tomorrow.**
       "Good enough. Pass the word to Dar Ravi that they should begin shutting their system down at 0930. She has teams standing by and they said that half an hour would be sufficient leeway for them."
       **Yes sir.**
       "Oh, I assume that you have already broached the subject with Inic?"
       **Yes I did. I discovered that he also has no sense of space right now. However, I was able to get across the idea that we were offering him a new 'Here' where 'They' would not be able to hurt him. He is quite amenable. I do not anticipate that we will have to force the issue.**
       "That's good to hear." The bridge doors closed behind her.

       No dreams intruded on Gwen's sleep that night so she was feeling refreshed and rested as she made her way to the bridge in the morning. She stepped through the bridge doors and into an almost palpable wave of anticipation from the first shift crew. "Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen."
       Sam approached her with PADD and her morning tea in hand. "Morning Captain." He proffered the PADD first. "Third shift report, sir." He handed her the tea once she had settled into the center seat.
       Gwen reviewed the report quickly. ~~Seems everyone had a peaceful night~~ She looked around the bridge. "Is everything in place for Project Inic?" The answers coming back were all affirmative. "Mr. Klaste. Send a message to the Zeidan teams to begin their shutdown."
       "Aye sir. The Zeidan team leader is acknowledging. They will signal when they're finished."
       Gwen sipped at her tea while they waited. Twenty minutes the Zeidans signaled that their shutdown was complete. "All set Unaban. Invite Inic to come in."
       **Yes sir. Upload is commencing.**
       For the next four hours the bridge was the quietest that Gwen could ever remember. Not a single unnecessary word spoken and even the occasional sound from the bridge machinery seemed muted. ~~Almost like we're attending a birth. . . I suppose you could call it that~~ It was Unaban who first broke the silence. **Upload complete, Captain. I am verifying.**
       Gwen held her breath while Unaban ran his checks. **Data verified. The entity, Inic, is now safely housed in the tertiary system.**
       The bridge crew didn't exactly break into cheers, but she could see that everyone was grinning. She heard several people let out withheld breath. "Give me an audio channel."
       **Go ahead, Captain.**
       "Inic, are you with us?"
       A feeling of relief flowed over her as she heard the familiar speech pattern. "I am here. . . They cannot hurt me here?. . . I am of Hadrian now?"
       "Yes Inic. You are now part of the Hadrian. You will be safe here."
       "I am of Hadrian. . . My function has changed. . . What is my function now?"
       "Your function right now, Inic, is to learn."
       "Learn?. . . What is 'learn'?"
       Gwen stopped. ~~What sort of definition will he understand?~~ Unaban came to the rescue. **Learn means to assimilate new information and alter some of your programming in accordance with that information.** ~~Thank you, Unaban~~
       "Yes. . . I will 'learn'. . . Who is the programmer?"
       **I will be the programmer, Inic. You will learn from me.**
       "I understand. . . I will begin immediately."
       Gwen signaled to Unaban. He nodded. **I am switching the channel now, but I will stay with you.** The audio channel fell silent.
       "Well done, Ladies and Gentlemen!" Gwen smiled broadly. "Mr. Klaste, please inform the Zeidans that they can begin bringing their systems back up."
       "Aye sir."
       "I'm going on break. I'll be in Sick Bay if I'm needed." She headed for the bridge door.

Continued in Chapter IV

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