Lines in the Sand -- Part Four

       Lt. Ta'pul entered the officer's lounge of the Kongo. Commodore Kirk was watching Galrun roll under the ship.
       "Lieutenant, have a seat."
       "This is not the usual venue for a post capture interview Commodore."
       "No, it is not. But I am indulging a Human emotion. I do not feel, like dealing with the usual formal venue."
       "This is not logical."
       "No, but it is. I understand they beat you."
       "It was likely the large bodied furred race. They are violent. However I was unaware at the time."
       "How did the Acceptians treat you?"
       "Once I was on the ship I had no access to a translator. The First as they called him, made noises, expressed much anger and loathing. I was lead off by the ones called Kronin. I was taken to their sick bay were the Kronin, named Serge Falstar Dom yiTeris, talked with a wounded Acceptian officer. There was respect in his manner I did not sense with the superior officer. Then he took me to what was plainly an Acceptian officer's quarters. He showed me the head, demonstrated it, showed me the replicator, and carefully enunciated words for vegetarian meals. The Kronin are, telepathic. He understood my preferance to not eat meat."
       "Telepathic warriors. Fascinating.
       "Serge Falstar Dom yiTeris later brought me a universal translator. He explained that the First had ordered my interrogation under torture. This is considered dishonorable among the Acceptians. The second Acceptian, named Taggal had ordered him to hide me. It was his quarters I was in. The Serge Falstar Dom yiTeris lied to their superior officer and told him I had committed suicide. I was told that his Tercert was considered without honor, but Taggal was considered with great honor."
       "Did he ask you any questions?"
       "Yes sir, we spoke for 50.5 hours on various subjects."
       Kirk smiled. "A summery will do."
       "He was curious about the workings of the Federation. I was truthful."
       "Good. Then I don't need a catalog of lies. I understand you are related to Captain Ta'lur?"
       "Yes Sir, she is my older sister."
       "Her ship is in the fleet. Would you find it agreeable to quarter on that ship?"
       "If the Captain would find it to her convenience, yes."
       "She has expressed that it would be so. You may transfer at your will. And Lieutenant, Good work."
       "Thank you Sir. I have a question of my own if I may?"
       "Your crewmates?"
       "Yes Sir."
       "The Healer Sotock has begun recovery this hour."
       "Thank you sir."

       Rain beat down on the jungle for the second day now. Captain Kennedy sat idyll dangling a phaser between his knees and trying to scan the jungle for any sign of the Acceptian troops. Word from the Capital was not good. The Government had retreated, and volunteers were taking a suicide stand to allow them to get free.
       Ta'pul had never returned. One more brand to burn against his soul. Joshua Kennedy had been kicking the Captain around since he had landed on this rock. All the things he could have done differently, advice he should have taken. Hindsight, so clear, so lucid. So utterly incapable of altering a single event or returning a single life.
       His communicator chirped. Kennedy snapped out of his self abusive revery. It chirped again. He hesitantly pressed the device.
       "Kennedy here."
       "Captain Kennedy, this is Captain Palstern of the Healer Sotock. We have been looking for you."
       "Healer Sotock? Hospital ship?"
       "Yes Captain, I assume you have wounded."
       Kennedy hurried from the sentry post. "Yes we do, can you beam medical teams right to my location."
       "Yes we can, teams are assembled at this time. One other thing Captain, the Commodore wants to see you."

       Kennedy straightened his straight uniform, then entered the office. He came to attention.
       "Captain Joshua Kennedy reporting, Sir."
       "As you were Captain." Kirk pulled a piece of paper of his desk, he cleared his throat, and read from it. "Captain Joshua Kennedy, you are of this stardate relieved of any and all duties you might have until the matter of the loss of the USS Berlin has been closed. You shall furthermore make yourself available and ready for debriefing and formal statements on the matter of the self same loss of the USS Berlin."
       "That will not be necessary Commodore. I accept full responsibility for the destruction of the USS Berlin. It was solely a case of the Captain acting like an ass." Kennedy removed his rank pips, and comm badge, and dropped them on Kirk's desk. "I furthermore resign my commission as a result of that loss."
       Kirk looked at the objects on the desk, his throat ran dry. The promise and explications that those small objects represented. Tossed on his desk like flotsam from the sea. "Have a seat Joshua."
       Kennedy sat.
       Kirk pushed at the objects. "Stern measure. Are you sure?"
       "I have had lots of time to think. I am saving Starfleet the trouble, and the disgrace."
       "Sure it's not yourself you are saving?"
       "I will not deny self interest. I avoid the formal Court-martial this way, but not the judgement of blame. Everyone will know that Kennedy blew it. That Kennedy wasted a good ship and a good crew. A man like me makes enemies on the way up Captain. They will be glad to see me gone, but sorry they didn't get a piece of me on the way down."
       "So what do you do with yourself? I will get your a ride back to Earth."
       "Seek self redemption. I will offer my services to the Galmeer as a technical consultant. It is my first contact. Can I be blamed for wanting a little more of it?"
       "No, I can't begrudge you that. And no one would argue that you do not know your craft. I am sorry this didn't come sooner."
       "My blowing my career?"
       "No, not that. I don't wish this, on anyone. I am sorry you didn't come to this understanding with yourself, sooner."
       "Not as sorry as I am Commodore. Not as sorry as me."

       Kirk labored over yet more data work. A glace at the chrono proved that too many hours had passed since he took a break. Fleet command was twice the headache of ship command multiplied by the number of ships in the fleet. He stood to leave, and the intercom beeped.
       "Kirk here."
       "Commodore, a delegation of the Galmeer wishes to meet with you."
       "Escort them in." No rest for the weary.
       Kirk had gotten himself presentable and seated. When the door chimed
       Ensign Mallory entered followed by five tall humanoids with flat faces.
       Mallory made introductions. "Commodore Kirk, Ambassador Toltocmeer, his staff, Gorfalmeer, Dalrelmeer, Eegarmeer and Alffalmeer."
       Kirk stood. "Welcome to the Kongo. How can I help you?"
       "We are to understand that the attacks are not permanently stopped, that you have simply agreed to a period of stop shooting with the invaders?"
       "That is the formal agreement. However, rest assured that I will not allow, under threat of further force, the attacks to continue. It was not diplomatic at this time to demand they surrender."
       "Why not?"
       "From my experience with the Acceptians, to demand surrender would be to cause them to fight to destruction. Destruction of these ships would bring more, and more ships would mean a general war between the Acceptian Empire and the Federation, centered in this system. No matter who won, the Galmeer would lose."
       "You then still seek peace?"
       "Yes, always, it is the Federation way."
       "We are much impressed with the Federation words. Captain Kennedy did not impress us much. He spoke with two mouths. Yet he spent his ship to aid is. Where is Captain Kennedy?"
       "The Captain has resigned. He must answer to our superiors for the loss of his ship. This was his answer."
       "You consider the defense wrong?"
       "No, anything but. It is procedure, that anytime a Captain loses a ship, even if perfectly justified they must answer for it before their commanders. If the answers are good, they are trusted with another ship. If not, they are not."
       "How do you view this?"
       "Defending you was the right thing to do. I think he went about it wrong. He spent his ship cheaply. His voluntary resignation is his admission that he agrees that his judgement was flawed."
       "He applied to work with us on defense and starship design."
       "He is well qualified in those fields."
       "You are a being that believes in speaking with one mouth."
       "I do. Please, be seated."
       "Are more of your kind, like you, or like Kennedy?"
       Kirk thought for a moment. "I would hope they are like me, although Joshua Kennedy is not without virtue and is learning more. If he had no virtue he would never have been a Captain. Can all the Galmeer be described as being one way, or another?"
       "No, Meer are made in many different ways."
       "So with Humans, and Vulcans, Andorians, and all the races of the Federation."
       "And of the high principles you have spoken of in your documents?"
       "They are real. I am pained to admit that not everyone adheres to them with equal fervor. And yes, we are not a perfect society. Those ideas and ideals are what we strive for. The goal is seldom met as a people, yet still we strive."
       The Ambassador sat for a good while. Kirk gave him his space.
       "We looked on the words that Captain Kennedy brought to us. Good words, but the messenger was arrogant, and we doubted them. We called for help, and he came. But you say he chose poorly in his tactics. His intervention was wasted. Indeed, the shooting never paused. We doubted the words. We are still not sure of them, but the Invaders, Acceptians you call them, have forced our hand." The Ambassador held forth a document. "We ask for membership in your Federation."
       Kirk took the proffered object. "This is very quick."
       "Necessity dictates."
       "You do not have to join to gain our aid."
       "You wish to make argument that the Acceptians have invaded your space?"
       "No, I have argued that they have invaded your space, and you asked us to help defend you. That is all the claim I have made, that the Galmeer asked for Federation assistance."
       "Asking is all?"
       "We do not come when not invited, we do not stay when asked to leave, and we do not abandon those in need."
       "Are these ideals like the others."
       "Yes, they have not always been adhered to in perfect harmony with their spirit."
       "You would help without this?"
       "Would this help your arguments?"
       "Yes, it would. It would lend much greater weight, both in the Acceptian halls of power, and the Federation council."
       "Then we ask for it."
       "It is a very fast move. More typically we enjoy a long relationship with a planet first. They get to know what to expect from the Federation as a neighbor. Once they are certain that we are such good neighbors that they wish to part of the Federation then we discuss it."
       "Do all your neighbors come to this realization?"
       "No, many choose not to join."
       "How do you handle that?"
       "We respect their wishes. But the Federation can be a difficult neighbor. We are large, and size affects those around us. Even if we are very careful, it is hard not to bruise such a neighbor."
       "How so?"
       "Economically mostly. Sometimes our larger foes will spill their conflicts onto those that are not the Federation."
       "And if we still want this?"
       "It is very soon, I would not advise it."
       "You are an official of the Federation, and you would advise us to stay our hands?"
       "How long have the Galmeer had warp flight?"
       "Fifty years."
       "I have not seen your ships myself. I have little doubt they are good ships. However you have seen something of the Kongo. If you were offered such ships, what would happen to your native shipbuilding technology?"
       The Ambassador looked thoughtful. "Your ships are highly advanced. Our shipbuilders would loose business."
       "Yes, Earth, my home planet has had warp technology for 300 years. We are good at it. However, we don't assume we know everything there is to know. You might have ideas that we can learn from too."
       "What could we teach someone so long in space?"
       "I don't know, and that is the problem. Until I look, I will not know. If your native way of building ships is lost, I might never know. This is what such large and friendly neighbors can cost. This is why we prefer that a culture be as close to the general level of technology as possible before membership."
       "You would not aid us in technology?"
       "Certainly, but not without first leaning how you do it. Again, you might have something to teach us."
       "And if even with all this, we still want to join.
       "It is not as simple as asking. You must check us out, and we must be assured you comply with the principles of the Federation?"
       "We understand. We want to join."
       "Then in the name of the United Federation of Planets, I accept your application as Provisional Membership. I suggest your get a councilor team together, and take the first ship back. I'll send one as soon as I can spare it."
       "We accept Provisional Membership in the Federation. I understand that as Member we must ask Starfleet to aid us in affairs that are not between members?"
       "As the Representative of my Government which represents all the Galmeer, I formally request that Starfleet take change of the Defense of Galrun and it's system in the circumstance of the Acceptian Invasion."
       "As Commanding Officer preset, I accept this request."
       "Our hospitals are damaged, and there are many injured."
       "We can lend you the use of the hospital ship we have in orbit. Supplies you need, and bodies to move those supplies. However, we have not had enough time to learn your physiology. Doctors we don't have that would be of use."
       "This we understand. Material aid will be much aid. About the Invader troops that still squat on our land?"
       "I will see them removed as quickly as possible. Please, be patient with this. It may mean a period os discomfort to gain a greater peace."
       "As long as they keep to themselves, this we will try and tolerate."
       "Getting the troops off Galrun is my first priority."
       "Can you give me a timetable?"
       "No, until I speak with First Taggal, I will know nothing in that regard."
       "First Taggal? It was First Tercert."
       "Was, Tercert is dead. Taggal is more reasonable, but he is still Acceptian. He was also wounded in the Berlin attack, and further wounded in the change of command. I am giving him some time."
       The Intercom chirped.
       "One moment please. Kirk here."
       "Commodore, I have First Taggal on the line. He wishes to speak with you."
       "Well, things might be proceeding."
       "Do you wish us to leave?"
       "No, as member of the UFP and involved parties you have every right to be present. Mr. Solin, put him through."
       Taggal's familiar beak was soon on the screen.
       "How are you feeling First?"
       "Better, thank you. I believe myself ready to proceed with our talks. Where do you wish the discussion to take place?"
       "Galrun. There is a hall..." The Ambassador nodded. "...that will be perfect for our needs. Bring your staff."
       "Agreed. I am ready at any time."
       "Give the Galmeer some time to ready for us. I will insist that the Galmeer standards and officials be treated with respect."
       "The fate of Galrun are what is at issue Commodore."
       "Which is why I insist that they be treated as equal parties."
       "You are being unreasonable."
       "This is not negotiable. Either the Galmeer are treated with respect, or we have no basis for discussion."
       "You are asking a lot for a people that cannot muster forces to defend themselves."
       "You are discounting the intellect of a people that are every bit as sentient as you are."
       "You will insist?"
       "I will."
       "And if I decline?"
       "We have no basis for discussion."
       A long moment passed, Kirk could see the Ambassador become more stressed as the interval lengthened.
       "Very well, we will treat the Galmeer, and their symbols of government with respect."
       The Ambassador visibly deflated.
       "We can begin our discussion in..."
       "...Falseen. At planetary dawn. Kirk out."
       "Where is Falseen?"
       "Provisional Capital. It is known for it's university."
       "Do you study on the lecture model?"
       "Meaning one speaking and many listening?"
       "We do."
       "Then a large lecture hall, a table squared U shape I think. Seats for me and my staff, seats for the Acceptians, and one side for the Galmeer. And a good sized audience. I want the Galmeer to see how the Federation negotiates."
       "And if you do poorly?"
       "Then the Galmeer will watch me do poorly."
       "You have great confidence."
       "I must give you reason for your trust Ambassador Toltocmeer. You are the ones with great confidence. You have shown confidence in the Federation, without much evidence for it. A moment if you please." Kirk touched the Intercom. "Commodore to Captain Spacik."
       "Spacik here."
       "Captain, I would like Ensign Mallory for detached duty. Can you spare her?"
       "Yes Sir."
       "Thank you Captain. Kirk out. Mallory, you are the official Starfleet liaison for the talks. You have my authority to call on the resources of the fleet for any of your needs."
       "Yes Sir!"
       "Gentlebeings. We must get
ourselves ready for the confrontation. Convey your needs to Ensign Mallory, and it shall be done. I'll have a word with Captain Palstern about supplies for your relief efforts."

       Kirk tugged on the sleeve of his dress uniform yet again. Tathilan stood quietly to one side in hers.
       **You have been quiet throughout this whole thing.**
       **Not much to say. You have done a good job saying it.**
       **I hope those are not simply nice words for the husband.**
       **Never, I love you too much to flatter.**
       **So what have you been doing.**
       **Organizing the observation between running the ship.**
       **Such diplomatic encounters are rare, rarer even with the Acceptians involved.**
       ** The entire Ane population is out there?**
       **One place or another. We also have the Acceptian troops targeted, and the Questing, Xanadu, and Fastness have every torpedo tube hot and loaded. Targeting on the Vigilant on your order.**
       **You don't trust the Acceptians.**
       **No, we don't.**
       The Acceptian delegation sparked into existence.
       "Let's get this over with."
       Kirk walked over to the Acceptians "Welcome First Taggal."
       Taggal looked around the massive hall, filled to capacity. "You said nothing about a public meeting."
       "I didn't say it would be private either."
       "I did not agree to a public meeting."
       Kirk leaned in. "You can sit, and score a point, or you can leave, and loose more."
       Taggal noted the side of the table with Acceptian seats, and sat. His officers did likewise.
       The Galmeer delegation took the side facing the audience, and Starfleet was seated on the last side. Ambassador Toltocmeer stood.
       "This meeting is to discuss the current situation between the United Federation of Planets and the Acceptian Empire as regards the UFP Member Galrun."
       Taggal's crest went straight up and his beak dropped. Kirk took the momentary confusion to jump in lifting the dispatch he read from.
       "In Federation Council, Dated Stardate 54657.4. Having considered the application for membership of the World Galrun, the Federation Council affirms the Provisionary Membership as accepted by Fleet Captain James Timothy Kirk, Commodore commanding the Galrun Crisis Fleet. First Taggal, you are in violation of a Federation planet and it's people."
       Taggal's crest went flat and his beak closed. "This will not go over well in the Hall of Pinions. Our claim predates your own."
       "However, we have made no claim. This Membership is at the specific request of the Galmeer. Your annexation, as you can see, was not accepted in the Federation Council, or by the Galmeer."
       "This claim will not influence the Pinions."
       "Pity. That will mean we are back to shooting at each other. I really do not like killing people, any people."
       "The Empire is strong."
       Except where it is not. I really don't like dealing in terms of threats, it truly annoys me. Why don't we start again, from a point of no threats."
       "You has something in mind?"
       "Yes, I knocked heads with my staff last night. We came up with this.
       Article One: The Acceptian Empire will withdraw from the Galrun system and shall cease all claims or attempts to enforce such claims on the Galmeer forever. In return the Galmeer shall not require of the Acceptian Empire payment for the damage done in the misunderstanding between them.
       Article Two: The United Federation of Planets shall enter into an agreement of principle with the Acceptian Empire that no further claims of territory shall be made along the common border until such time as negotiations have created a policy along said border agreed on by both parties.
       Article Three: Agreement on these terms will end the crisis, and set a foundation for further peace in this area."

       Toltocmeer was on his feet, Taggal just sat and seethed.
       "They are simply to be allowed to leave, no payment for all the damage done?"
       "You agreed that your first priority was to get the troops off your ground."
       "Yes, my first."
       "My first priority is peace. Allowing the Acceptians to leave with their pride intact, that will assure peace."
       Taggal said: "You are not allowing much place for pride Commodore."
       "Look, Acertor told me that the preferred method of conquest was economic. Military force was used only when all else failed. I recall you admire Acertor. Now, tell me, did Tercert give any method of peaceful contact a try?"
       Taggal's crest started back up. "No, he did not."
       "He blew it with the Galmeer. You have zero, no chance with these people. Ask them." Kirk tuned to the gallery. "Would you now welcome the Acceptians?"
       "NO!" roared the crowd as one. Fists were shaken at the Acceptian delegation and the Meer were on their feet. "NO, NO, NO!!"
       "Would you let them leave?"
       The sound dropped to an angry muttering.
       "Yes" Said a single voice. A student stepped forward, corrective lenses on his eyes. "Yes, let them go. If we demand revenge we are as bad as they are."
       The muttering didn't let up. He turned to the crowd. "Remember, remember the ancient times when Meer fought Meer? When we teetered on the brink of self annihilation. Would you become those Meer again?"
       The Meer began to sit down. The muttering slowly died away.
       "Let them go, we can rebuild without resources twisted from the grasp of others. That is their way, conquer and conquest. We Meer, do not want the foul fruit of that. Let them go, ask nothing from them, take nothing from them."
       Toltocmeer sat back down. "The Meer have spoken. We will agree to the First Article."
       Taggal puffed a bit. "I have not yet agreed."
       Kirk said. "What have you to gain by staying? Nothing. You will not gain the Galmeer with kind words, you will not gain them by conquest. I will destroy your ships, and your army. I have an army of my own in reserve. I have you out numbered, and out gunned, and I know how to use those guns."
       "It would mean that general war you so fear."
       "I fear war? No, I hate war, I don't fear it. I have fought war and I have lost loved ones in war. I never want to fight a war again. However, to defend even the youngest member of the Federation I will fight one."
       "You advantage will not last, we will overcome it."
       "Then by all means, force my hand to war. Do it now while my fleets have the tactical advantage. Reject peace, and in six months your will have parity. But in six months 20,000 ships will have crossed the Acceptian border, we will make alliances with your foes, friends of those you have conquered, and we will be planting the Federation flag in the Hall of Pinions. You and your fleet will be drifting wreckage because we have a tactical advantage you will not see a solution for in six months. By all means, make war now."
       The crowd was muttering again, egging him on.
       Kirk continued. "Or accept peace. Withdraw from the folly of a fool you killed to stop his folly. Accept that this dead fool has lost you this battle. Accept peace and do not war with us. We have sought friendship. The Hall of Pinions has made overtures of peace also. Let the diplomats make agreements so we don't have another one of these incidents."
       Taggal was silent for a long time, he conferred with his staff. The crowd, and the other delegations watched in silence also. At last he spoke.
       "We will accept the articles of peace as you have written them."
       "There is one more matter. Where shall these peace talks be held? I have diplomats on the way, in case this matter became more involved. Diplomats are flexible, they will do the task they find." Kirk turned to Toltocmeer. "It is the custom of the Federation, that once a peace is made, we will welcome former enemies as friends. Would Galrun be willing to host the peace conferences?"
       Toltocmeer said. "I will not say yes, but I will not say no."
       "I cannot ask more at this time. Let us sign the peace, bury the dead, and relearn friendship one with the other."
       Kirk stood and placed his little sheets of paper on the table between them. He signed his name with the pen his Mother had given him. And waited for the others to sign as well.

       Taggal stood on the command deck of the battered Vigilant. A vague unease centered itself somewhere under his crop. It wasn't the dargal yrfurd he ate several hours ago. It wasn't wondering if he would be confirmed in command. Command didn't matter that much to him. Deep down in the area of his hindbrain the idea slowly seeped out that he Taggal, was no longer master of all he surveyed. He gaze shifted at once to the area he knew the Kongo rested in orbit. This Federation had been honed on foes of equal strength. They knew how to fight ships on par with themselves. The Empire did not, and the knowledge would have to be quickly gained.
       There was something more, something that really bothered him. He closed his eye briefly at the memory, the memory of being hated. Openly, and noisily hated by the people he faced. He looked around the command center, Kronin, Buteos, Kreeen, all people the Empire had conquered, some over a thousand years ago. Did they hate him? Did they hate him for simply being an Acceptian? Did they, in their minds, shake fists and shout at him for the deeds of his ancestors? The Kronin of this ship at least respected him. He vowed to never betray that trust. He could not undo those long done deeds, but he could be the attentive commander. That much, he could do.

       Two weeks later and the datawork was no less. The Acceptian dockship had arrived yesterday. The Vigilant was under repair. The Acceptian Seekers had remained on the edges of the system ,and Kirk had two of his large ships on warp speed patrol at all times. He was expecting his own reinforcement at any time.
       In between the datawork it was party and reception after reception and party. Everyone on Galrun wanted to meet him and his officers, and it felt like they had. He welcomed the sound of the intercom.
       "Incoming message from Rear Admiral Valensigian."
       "Send it down."
       "Commodore, I was expecting a much hotter situation here. Well done."
       "How far out are you Admiral?"
       "I just passed your pickets, and their's. I understood they are leaving, why are they still here?"
       "The Vigilant was heavily damaged by the Berlin, and careful as we were we couldn't help but damage her more in the convincing stage. So they will be here a few weeks more."
       "That makes for a tense situation."
       "Agreed. We have been doing everything we can to defuse the tensions. Lieutenant jg Mallory's suggestion of a foosball tournament seems to be working the best. Friendly competition instead of shooting. Mark that young woman Admiral, she will go far."
       "Are you taking command of the fleet Sir?"
       "Eager to let it go Kirk?"
       "Yes sir, I am."
       "Then you will be relieved in more ways than one. I am here to get started on that Starbase the Galmeer have requested as well. You do fast work."
       "Captain Lairalan got that conversation going Admiral. Credit where credit is due."
       "A base here is welcome, to better watch the Acceptians with, and to negotiate the final agreement."
       "I'll see you when you get in Sir. Care for dinner with the fleet? 1800?"
       "It sounds like a good way to get acquainted. See you then."

       A week later Kirk sat back in the center seat of the Kongo. The CIC was dark, as it should be. The familiar sights and sounds around him and the release from fleet duty fresh on his monitor.
       "It's a big galaxy Mr. Solin."
       "That it would be Captain."
       "Let's see what else we can find."

Lines in the Sand -- Garry Stahl, February 2001

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