USS Kongo Project

The USS Kongo NCC-10445 is one of those models that seems like it never gets done. It still isn't done but here are some pictures of it. the Kongo is one of the main ships in my series of stories. More about the Kongo and her crew can be found in the Profiles Page or the Stories PageKongo one
The model it self is the AMT/ERTL 1/2500 USS Enterprise C from the second three ship set. I have cut away the pylons and replaced them with the angled pylons seen. The nacelles have been replaced with a casting of my own make. The same nacelles can be see on the Manta Class battlecruiser here. They still lack the fins seen on the Manta. Those have to go on last.Kongo two
The stern view shows the narrow back of the nacelle. That would be the intercooler area and the fin for control of the warp field mount on top of this connected to the wider front that holds the warp coils. This shot give a good view of the angle of the pylons. They are made from 020 styrene sheet covered with 010 sheet to form the recesses that are not real visible in this shot.
You can almost make out the recess in the pylon in this shot. I need darker paint in there to increase the contrast.Kongo four
This shot highlights the turret area on the edge of the saucer. The "turret" a four millimeter glass bead is missing and need to be replaced. I am still working on the housing to get it shaped to my satisfaction. The turrets, one each side, hold eight torpedo tubes each. An awesome addition to the Ambassador class' firepower.Kongo five
An over the bow shot as we leave Starbase "ream of paper" The secondary hull of the Kongo has been filled with Alumilite to offset the weight of the saucer. It also gives me a good solid substance to set that brass rod into.

Kongo six

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