
Federation Councilor for Fred
Created By: Garry Stahl
Appearance: Fred is seen in the STB-600 game.
Full name: Fred Unit 1,403,240,168
Race: Fredite, a humanoid cross between a dog and a Capuchin monkey.
Birthplace: Fred-world
Parents: Fred
Siblings: Fred
Age: 26
Sex: Female
Height: 5' 2"
Weight: 97 pounds
Build: Slight
Marital status: Unmated. Fred is unlikely to allow this drone to mate while she serves as mouthpiece.
Description: Fred in this case is a Female Fredite. Fredites wear clothing appropriate to their task. While the dog-monkeys have no sense of modesty, Fred does, and clothing has been adopted. Fred in this case wears glittery leotards because Fred likes them.
Skin coloring: Light tan where is shows, mainly the face, hands, feet, and crotch. Hair: Gray-green. Hair covers most of her body.
Routine Activities: Speak for Fred and perform necessary maintenance of her body.
Skills/Training/Professional Skills: Fred is trained as a ship operator. Before his encounter with the Rishian artifact Fred was a planet surveyor. Fred has also absorbed the knowledge and memories of the entire race.
Financial Status: Fred owns a whole planet.
Group Affiliations: UFP, STB-600
Personality: Fred in this case is speaking through one of his drones. When not speaking to someone Fred Unit 1,403,240,168 has all the personality of a wet blanket.
Ambitions and Goals: Fred has few goals other than to stay sane (at least a little) and deal with this circumstance.
Physical/mental Problems: Yes. Fred is a precariously balanced person. Forced into a mass mind by a Rishan "race maker" Fred is doing his level best not to kill himself and learn to deal with a circumstance that would drive anyone mad.
Enemies (And Why): Fred has no enemies outside the generic enemies of the UFP.
Special Abilities: Fred is one person with four billion bodies, and what that will imply. Fred can be a lot of places and do a lot of things all at once. Fred has the vast knowledge of an entire world.
Weaknesses/Disadvantages: Fred the comptroller is delicately balanced. It is unknown what will happen when Fred dies as he is the only member of the Orla species in Fred. Fred is also one person with all that knowledge. It gives the Fred race a very limited viewpoint.
History and Experiences Which have Affected Character Greatly: Fred is an Orla planet surveyor from the Kurr Association. Fred found a wonderful industrial age planet and a Rishian artifact at the same time. Poor Fred.
       Fred was encountered by STB-600 seeking protection from the monkey people that wanted to kill him. Shortly there after the monkey people arrived demanding that Fred be turned over for killing. Certain behavioral methodology caused Admiral Hailey to do a "wait a minute". Investigation proved that the monkey people were Kligese'chee type clients, and Fred was the comptroller.
       Fred underwent several months of mental therapy at STB-600 to help him cope with his new state. No one had a clue as how to reverse it. Fred is doing much better, and the Fredites are an instant feedback as to Fred's mood.
Position: Fred is simply dealing. He wants friends and as little drama as possible. Fred has a high degree of ethical sensibility. He will come out firmly against any breech of ethics for any reason. You do the right thing because it is the right thing to do. Fred is pro Starfleet in every respect. He is also a critical watch-dog over anything Starfleet does.

This is a work of fiction. All characters, places, and situations are fictional. Any resemblance to persons, places, or situations living or dead is coincidental.

© Garry Stahl: 1997-2006. All rights reserved, re-print only with permission.

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