Game Idea 10-05-2006

Jay P. Hailey



The PCs come across ancient ruins from an ancient clture - this race romed the stars thousands of years ago.

In the ancient ruins - a crystal

From the crystal - screams

Inside the crystal - a member of the ancient culture can be seen in torment

Objects in the ruins explain - The being was a war criminal and caused millions to die in agony. His consciousness was trapped in the crystal and subjected to torment as punishment for his ancient infamy.

Insert a metaphor for your own favorite historical outrage here - the holocaust, the rwanda massacres, the khmer rouge, centuries of slavery - whatever - he did or started that, but with rubber on it's forehead. The guy is someone else's Hitler

What do the PCs do?

How much torment is *enough*?

Should be good for some discussions around the gaming table.


Action it up a little bit -

The PCs get a distress call from an old contact of theirs - a scientist. He has recovered the crystal prison. He is pursued by a coalition of people who feel that our alien Hitler as by no means suffered enough.

The Scientist doesn't care - he is fascinated by a possily living witness of ancient times.

He may even argue that the being in the Crystal isn't alive - just a recreation of an ancient person in simulated agony.

(Is he right? to preserve the dilemma I'd say that he's wrong that "neural energy patterns" or some techno babble metaphor for the being's soul is trapped in the crystal, but your picture of how thing work may be different)

In any case the PCs must fend off justice minded agents, and decide what they're going to do with the Crystal.


Disclaimer: Paramount owns all things Trek. I claim original characters and situations in this material for me.

Jay P. Hailey
